Organic farming constitutes a mode of production which uses agricultural and livestock practices, concerned with respecting natural balances. These products are subject to strict regulatory requirements and frequent inspections.
Product made from vines from a farm certified as High Environmental Value.
High Environmental Value (HVE) guarantees that the agricultural practices implemented across the entire wineyard preserve ecosystems and limit pressures on the environment (soil, water, biodiversity, etc.)
In 1740 when the Ricome de Surville family bought the Chateau de Valcombe, it was nothing more than vast bare land and a building used as a hunting lodge. Over the years and generations, the estate transformed into a real agricultural and wine-growing operation. The Château itself was completed in 1860.
The first major award was given to Valcombe wines at the 1855 Universal Exhibition in Paris. Then again during that of 1873 in Vienna. These awards are still visible in the Château’s tasting cellar.
Located on the southern borders of the Rhône Valley, Château de Valcombe is probably the Rhône estate closest to the Mediterranean, while being located more than 100m above sea level. This particular location has a major influence on the typicality of our wines…
"Créé en 2009, le label Vignobles & Découvertes est attribué pour une durée de 3 ans par Atout France, après recommandation du Conseil Supérieur de l’Oenotourisme, à une destination à vocation touristique et viticole proposant une offre de produits touristiques multiples et complémentaires (hébergement, restauration, visite de cave et dégustation, musée, événement,…) et permettant au client de faciliter l’organisation de son séjour et de l’orienter sur des prestations qualifiées"
Route Départementale 14, Km5
Outils d’accessibilité